If you want to do on your site katalog-reiting thematic resource similar Rambler TOP 100 you no longer need to go to programmers, spend money and time. The management rating sites SmartTOP you will be able to quickly and easily create your own website rating system TOP 100. Examples of the use of the system, please see the section "clients." What is your own sites? Improved web-resursa through thematic catalogue sites. An index citation resource in the rating, knopki-schetchiki planted. The additional traffic on the site (back to the invocation of knopke-schetchike). SmartTOP from a user's perspective. Users registered in the ratings, knopku-schetchik posted on its Web site, after which the site in the directory. Sites in the directory are from headings in order of attendance. Users of the statistics traffic to their sites. Each user can add a few sites rating. SmartTOP in terms of the administrator rating. When the user registration and the addition of the site administrator is a letter of notification, after which the administrator can add the site to ratings and moved to another forum or reject, if a site does not meet any requirements. In addition to moderating added sites administration panel SmartTOP allows you the flexibility to change the design of the site with the assistance of templates and settings add and edit images tellers. Download: SmartTOP 5.3 Final (RUS)
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